Beef Another Process Is Already Listening on Port 3000

BeEF utilizes YAML files in order to configure the core functionality, as well as the extensions. Most of the core BeEF configurations are in the main configuration file: config.yaml, found in the BeEF directory.

BeEF is short for The Browser Exploitation Framework. It is a penetration testing tool that focuses on the web browser.

BeEF hooks one or more web browsers to the application for the launching of directed command modules. Each browser is likely to be within a different security context, and each context may provide a set of unique attack vectors.


1. Download the package

  • git clone

2. access the new directory created when the download completes

  • cd beef
  • ls

3. Run the installer with elevated privileges

  • sudo ./install

Getting started

1. run the beef program, the executable is within the same location as the script ran previously ./install. Since we are running this the first time, we need to configure the credentials in config.yaml

  • ls
  • ./beef

2. Create Username & Password in config.yaml, change the current values

  • vi config.yaml

3. Try to run again the application

  • ./beef

4. When it finishes loading, we can find network access details

5. In order to access, open a web browser and type, enter the credentials we just modified in config.yaml

  • beef
  • admin

6. You then get the main page

Configuring access control

The web interface for hooking or for managing BeEF can be limited by subnet. Modify config.yaml

1. Permit who can get hooked

  • permitted_hooking_subnet: [""]

2. Permit who can access the management interface, in this case loopback only

  • permitted_ui_subnet: [""], ::/0 mean any

  • vi config.yaml

Web server configuration

The web server can be fully configured, this is done in the HTTP subsection of the config.yaml file

  • vi config.yaml

The root page and HTTP 404 error pages can be changed to reflect one of several popular web servers (Apache, IIS, NGINX) using the beef.http.web_server_imitation directive.

Admin UI, enable extensions

1. The panel path should also be changed using the beef.extension.admin_ui.base_path configuration option, this is used to enable extensions, change false to true

  • vi config.yaml

2. The extensions are located in ./beef/extensions, each one has its own config.yaml

  • cd extensions
  • ls -l

Integrating BeEF with Metasploit

1. Enable Metasploit extension ./beef/config.yaml

  • enable: true

2. Now access the extension configuration file

  • cd extensions/Metasploit
  • ls -l

3. modify the contents of config.yaml, the following are important fields. Most of the configuration can be left with default value, except the host and callback_host parameters which should have the IP address of the host on which Metasploit is accessible.

  • name: Name of module
  • enable: status (true or false)
  • # Metasploit msgrpc connection options
  • host: host to connect
  • port: port to connect
  • user: log in name
  • pass: password to log in
  • uri: API dir
  • ssl: status (true or false)
  • ssl_version: 'TLS1'
  • ssl_verify: status (true or false)
  • # Public connect back host IP address for victim connections to Metasploit
  • callback_host: local IP for reverse connections
  • # URIPATH from Metasploit Browser AutoPwn server module
  • autopwn_url: "autopwn"
  • # Start msfrpcd automatically with BeEF
  • auto_msfrpcd: false
  • auto_msfrpcd_timeout: 120
  • msf_path: make sure the path to Metasploit is correct

4. Now that the configuration is completed. Run Metasploit and link the module to beef

  • sudo msfdb init
  • msfconsole
  • load msgrpc ServerHost= User=beef Pass=admin SSL=y

5. Reload the beef application

  • ./beef

6. Additional beef options

Usage: beef [options]

  • -x, --reset Reset the database
  • -v, --verbose Display debug information
  • -a, --ascii_art Prints BeEF ascii art
  • -c, --config FILE load a different configuration file: if it's called custom-config.yaml, git automatically ignores it.
  • -p, --port PORT Change the default BeEF listening port
  • -w, --wsport WS_PORT Change the default BeEF WebSocket listening port

7. Now log in again to beef and you will see that the "Commands" tab appears, and it includes the Metasploit Module, it loaded 304 exploits

The set up has been completed successfully. Now it is time to hook a browser. In order to do that just have someone access BeEF hook site.

Basic interface layout

1. Main page

Online Browsers = Active connection

Offline Browsers = Closed connections

2. Clicking on active browsers, opens automatically, "Current Browser"

There we have

  • Details = Info of the Browser

  • Logs = Activity records

  • Proxy = Proxy utility

  • Commands = Main interface to run Modules

You will see bullets with different colors before each module. Internally, BeEF detects which browser you hooked and knows which modules are working on each browser :

  • Green: The command module works against the target and should be invisible to the user
  • Orange: The command module works against the target, but may be visible to the user
  • Grey: The command module is yet to be verified against this target
  • Red: The command module does not work against this target


  • XSSRays = Cross site domain records

  • Network = Network info that can be captured


Information Gathering

Your first step will often be to perform reconnaissance on the remote host. Which browser and plugins do they have running? Which website have you hooked?

When a browser is hooked, BeEF will automatically gather several pieces of information, including:

  • Browser Name and Version
  • Browser User Agent
  • Plugins (including Java, ActiveX, VBS, Flash etc)
  • If Adobe Flash Player is installed

You can then use different plugins to gather more specific information on the browsers

Under Browser module you can find most Information Gathering about the browser

Information Gathering about the operating system

BeEF enables you to gather information on the system of the hooked browser:

  • Get Internal IP module allows BeEF to detect the IP address of the system (don't worry, more fun network tricks will be described later). If the browser authorizes Java
  • Get System Info module can gather additional information on the system from a Java Applet including: Operating System details, Java JVM info, IP addresses, Processor/Memory specs, and more.

A hooked browser allows BeEF to discover information on the behavior of the user:

  • Detect Social Networks module can identify if the user of the hooked browser has a current session on Facebook, Twitter, or Gmail.
  • Detect TOR module can identify if the user of the hooked browser is currently using TOR.

You can search for module names in the search bar at the top of the list.

Social Engineering

BeEF includes a suite of modules to try to gather passwords and usernames

Simple attacks are often the most efficient ones. BeEF comes with several command modules that present the target with familiar interfaces requesting credentials:

  • Pretty Theft module prints a simple message to the user requiring login and password, explaining that the session has timed out. It has a number of presets that imitate popular social network/marketplace themes.
  • Simple Hijacker module allows you to load a number of common pop-ups when a user clicks any link on their current page. Pop-up templates include certificate warnings, standard alert style prompts, and credit card payment forms.
  • Clippy is a module that create a small browser assistant which propose browser updates.

In the Browser

Type something in and then return to BeEF to see if it captured the user input

Redirect to Another Page

A number BeEF modules exist that allow you to redirect to external pages:

  • Redirect Browser module can redirect the hooked page to any other page.
  • Redirect Browser (iFrame) sub-module will create a full viewport iFrame which redirects to the specified URL.
  • TabNabbing module will detect when the user loses focus on the current tab and modify it in the background. When the user comes back to the tab, they will be viewing a full viewport iFrame containing the contents of the specified URL.

Redirect Browser

The window got redirected to

Chrome/Firefox Extensions

Using BeEF it is possible to get a user to install a malicious browser extension:

Fake Flash Update module prompts the hooked browser's user to install a flash update. Instead of installing a Flash update, a browser extension will be installed that can communicate with BeEF and provide access to far more information than is available by default. If the extension were installed in Chrome, for example, BeEF could run the following modules:

  • Get All Cookies
  • List Chrome Extensions
  • Grab Google Contacts from Logged in User
  • Inject BeEF in All Tabs
  • Execute Arbitrary Javascript Code
  • Taking Screenshots
  • Send Gvoice SMS

Fake Flash Update

If the user click on it. The payload URI is downloaded

The result is shown in the logs

Fake notification Bar



BeEF contains a module that enables clickjacking attacks in a hooked browser:

  • Clickjacking module will create an iFrame which follows the users cursor around the page, displaying the content at the specified URL.


List of Modules


  • Browser Fingerprinting
  • Detect Firebug
  • Detect Popup block
  • Detect Unsafe ActiveX
  • Get Visited Domains
  • Detect Visited URL
  • Play Sound
  • Unhook
  • Webcam
  • Get Firefox/Chrome Extensions
  • Detect MS Office Version

Hooked Domain

  • AJAX Fingerprint
  • Alert Dialog
  • Deface Web Page
  • Get Cookie
  • Get Local Storage
  • Get Page HTML
  • Get Page Links
  • Get Session Storage
  • Get Stored Credentials
  • Link Rewrite
  • Link Rewrite (HTTPS)
  • Link Rewrite (TEL)
  • Link Rewrite (Clicked Event)
  • Create Alert Dialog
  • Create Prompt Dialog
  • Redirect Browser
  • Redirect Browser (Rickroll)
  • Redirect Browser (iFrame)
  • Replace Component (Deface)
  • Replace Videos
  • iOS Address Bar Spoofing

Chrome Extensions

  • Execute On Tab
  • Get All Cookies
  • Grab Google Contacts
  • Inject BeEF
  • Screenshot
  • Send Gvoice SMS


  • Return Ascii Chars
  • Test Network Request
  • Test Returning Results


  • ColdFusion Directory Traversal Exploit
  • GlassFish WAR Upload XSRF
  • Jboss 6.0.0M1 JMX Deploy Exploit
  • Spring Framework Malicious Jar Exploit
  • VTiger CRM Upload Exploit
  • Zenoss 3.2.1 Add User CSRF
  • Zenoss 3.2.1 Daemon CSRF
  • boastMachine 3.1 Add User CSRF


  • Dlink DCS series CSRF
  • Linksys WVC series CSRF

Local Host

  • Windows Mail Client DoS
  • ActiveX Command Execution
  • Java Payload
  • Safari Launch App


  • 3COM OfficeConnect Command Execution
  • Asmax AR-804gu Command Execution
  • BT Home Hub CSRF
  • Cisco E2400 CSRF
  • Comtrend CT-5367 CSRF
  • Comtrend CT 5624 CSRF
  • D-Link DIR-615 Password Wipe
  • D-Link DSL500T CSRF
  • Huawei SmartAX MT880 CSRF
  • Linksys BEFSR41 CSRF
  • Linksys WRT54G CSRF
  • Linksys WRT54G2 CSRF
  • Virgin Superhub CSRF


  • Netgear GS108T CSRF


  • AlienVault OSSIM 3.1 XSS
  • Cisco Collaboration Server 5 XSS
  • Serendipity <= 1.1.1 Add User CSRF


  • Detect Google Desktop
  • Detect Softwares
  • Get Clipboard
  • Get Internal IP Java
  • Get Internal IP WebRTC
  • Get Physical Location
  • Get Protocol Handlers
  • Get System Info Java
  • Hook Default Browser
  • Get Geolocation
  • Get Registry Keys
  • Get Wireless Keys
  • Detect CUPS
  • Make Telephone Call
  • Detect Bit Defender 2012


  • Bindshell (POSIX)
  • Bindshell (Windows)
  • Cross Site Printing (XSP)
  • DNS Tunnel
  • IMAP
  • IRC


  • Create Invisible Iframe
  • Google Search
  • iFrame Event Key Logger
  • iFrame Sniffer
  • Local File Theft
  • Raw Javascript


  • Detect Social Networks
  • Detect TOR
  • Ping Sweep
  • IRC NAT Pinning
  • Fingerprint Network
  • DNS Enumeration
  • Ping Sweep (Java)
  • Port Scanner


  • Man-In-The-Browser
  • Confirm Close Tab
  • Create Foreground iFrame
  • Create Pop Under


  • Beep
  • Check connection
  • Detect PhoneGap
  • Geolocation
  • List Files
  • Persist resume
  • Persistence
  • Start Recording Audio
  • Stop Recording Audio
  • Upload File

Social Engineering

  • Autocomplete Theft
  • Clickjacking
  • Clippy
  • Fake Evernote Web Clipper Login
  • Fake Flash Update
  • Fake LastPass
  • Google Phishing
  • Lcamtuf Download
  • Fake Notification Bar
  • Fake Notification Bar (Chrome)
  • Fake Notification Bar (FF)
  • Fake Notification Bar (IE)
  • Pretty Theft
  • Simple Hijacker
  • TabNabbing


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