Write a Function That Counts the Number of Non Terminating Characters

In written exams or in the technical interview of Amazon, you can easily find this question. So in order to help you with the preparation of interview, we are answering this question in this post.

First, we need to understand the question, we need to write an algorithm for  the first non repeated character in a string, for example:

Read Also :    Count number of words in the String

If the word "stress" is input then it should print't'  as output.

If the word"teeter" is input then it should print'r'  as output.

Method 1: Using indexOf() and lastIndexOf() [Easiest]

Using the indexOf() and lastIndexOf() method, we can find the first non-repeating character in a string in Java. The method indexOf() returns the position of the first occurrence of a given character in a string whereas method lastIndexOf() returns the position of the last occurrence of a given character in a string.


If positions returned by the indexOf() and lastIndexOf() methods of the specified character are the same, then that character is the first non-repeated character in a string.

public            class            FirstNonRepeatedCharFirst            {     public static void main(String args[]) {               String inputStr            =            "teeter";            for(char i :inputStr.toCharArray()){            if            ( inputStr.indexOf(i)            ==            inputStr.lastIndexOf(i)) {             System.out.println("First non-repeating character is: "            +i);            break;         }         }     } }          

First non-repeating character is: r

Method 2: Using LinkedHashMap

Now, we should understand the pseudo algorithm or logic to achieve this task, code is given at the end of this post.


As we know a non-repeated character occurs only once in the string, so if we store the number of times
each alphabet appears in the string, it would help us identify which characters are non-repeated characters in the string. So we need to scan the whole string and determine the final counts of each character. Now scan the final values of each character in the string, the first character in the string with final count 1 is the first non-repeated character in the string.

Pseudo Algorithm

1.   First create the character count hash table.

          For each character
If there is no value stored in the character
set it to 1.
increment the value of the character by 1.

2.  Scan the string
For each character
return character if the count in hash table is 1.
If no character have count 1, return null

Read Also :    Count total number of times each alphabet appears in the String

Code :

            import            java.util.*            ;            import            java.util.Map.Entry            ;            public            class            FirstNonRepeatedCharSecond            {            public            static            void            main            (String[]            args)            {            System.            out            .            println            (            " Please enter the input string :"            );            Scanner in            =            new            Scanner            (System.            in            );            String s            =            in.            nextLine            ();            char            ch            =            firstNonRepeatedCharacter(s);            System.            out            .            println            (            "The first non repeated character is :  "            +            ch);            }            public            static            Character            firstNonRepeatedCharacter            (String str)            {            HashMap<Character,Integer>            characterhashtable            =            new            LinkedHashMap<Character            ,Integer>();            int            length            ;            Character ch;            length=            str.            length            ();            // Scan string and build hash table            for            (            int            i=            0            ;i            <            length;i++)            {            ch            =            str.            charAt            (i);            if            (characterhashtable.            containsKey            (ch))            {            // increment count corresponding to ch            characterhashtable.            put            (            ch            ,            characterhashtable.            get            (ch)            +            1            );            }            else            {            characterhashtable.            put            (            ch            ,            1            )            ;            }            }            for            (Entry<Character,Integer>            entry:            characterhashtable.            entrySet            ())            {            if            (entry.            getValue            ()            ==            1            )            return            entry.            getKey            ();            }            return            null            ;            }            }          


first non repeated character in the string java example

Method 3: Using Set and ArrayList

Store the repeating and nonRepeating characters separately. At the end of the iteration, the first element of the nonRepeatingChars list is the first non-repeated character.

            import            java.util.*            ;            public            class            FirstNonRepeatedCharThird            {            public            static            Character            firstNonRepeatedCharacter            (String str)            {            Set<Character>            repeatingChars            =            new            HashSet<>();            List<Character>            nonRepeatingChars            =            new            ArrayList<>();            for            (            int            i=            0            ;            i            <            str.            length            ();            i++)            {            char            letter            =            str.            charAt            (i);            if            (repeatingChars.            contains            (letter))            continue            ;            if            (nonRepeatingChars.            contains            (letter))            {            nonRepeatingChars.            remove            ((Character)            letter);            repeatingChars.            add            (letter);            }            else            {            nonRepeatingChars.            add            (letter);            }            }            return            nonRepeatingChars.            get            (            0            );            }            public            static            void            main            (String[]            args)            {            System.            out            .            println            (            " Please enter the input string :"            );            Scanner in            =            new            Scanner            (System.            in            );            String s            =            in.            nextLine            ();            char            ch            =            firstNonRepeatedCharacter(s);            System.            out            .            println            (            "The first non repeated character is :  "            +            ch);            }            }          

Please enter the input string : stress
The first non-repeated character is : t

Method 4: Using Java 8

            import            java.util.*            ;            import            java.util.stream.*            ;            public            class            FirstNonRepeatedCharFour            {            public            static            Character            findFirstNonRepeatableChar            (String str)            {            Map<Character,Integer>            map            =            new            LinkedHashMap();            for            (Character ch            :            str.            toCharArray            ())            {            map.            put            (ch,            map.            containsKey            (ch)            ?            map.            get            (ch)            +            1            :            1            );            }            return            map.            entrySet            ().            stream            ().            filter            (x            ->            x.            getValue            ()            ==            1            ).            findFirst            ().            get            ().            getKey            ();            }            public            static            void            main            (String[]            args)            {            String s            =            "hello"            ;            char            ch            =            findFirstNonRepeatableChar(s);            System.            out            .            println            (            ch);            }            }          


That's all for today, please mention in the comments in case you know any other way of finding the first non-repeated character in a string.

Write a Function That Counts the Number of Non Terminating Characters

Source: https://javahungry.blogspot.com/2013/12/first-non-repeated-character-in-string-java-program-code-example.html

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